I hope u like my earlier story, this story will be liked by all CD, Slaves and submissive and sissy indians,
The story contains, forced feminization, lesdom, lesbians, Femdom
Myself Dinesh, working in stock trading comapny , I was doing in good and was earning good amount of money, next to our office also there was another stock trading company owned by a lday kavita, she was middle aged , a bit dark, but very aggressive .our eyes always used to meet in the lift,
I had liked her personality eventhough she was bit elder to me,
During the period when Stock prices were going high, everyone was in earning mood,
There was one tip floated for comany abc pvt ltd,I had a tip that the share price for this comapny will be doubled in a month, I took loan from money lender for 20 lac rupees , and took delivery of the shares, I was hoping that stock price will get doubled, and i can purchase a new house,
But suddenly the govermnet collapsed , and stock market crashed, I was under pressure from the money lender to return the money, In fact the price of the stock moved downwards, I was in big fiancial crisis,Money lender was after me , I was cursing my fate to take that loan
Normally money lenders are more of rowdy type of charcters and can go to any extent for recovering the money,He will call me everyday to repay him since he was knowing stock had crashed ,
I was not having any saving , as i was bachelor and used to spend all the money,
My parents used to stay in other city, I was staying alone and the house was on my dad's name
My Boss also came to know about this, and also was vey upset with me for this blunder ,
Everyday he used to come at lunch time for the money, I will make excuse that i will return in 15 days , Once he threatned me that I should retun his money in a week or face the consequences,
I know how these money lender are there, they go to any extent for recovering,
I asked loan from my friends, but no one wanted to give me loan as they knew the blunder what i had made and it was a big amount,I was planning to ask my Dad to sell the house, But to my fate
my dad called and said" I need to sell this house for your sister's marriage"
Now i was really depressed, There is one girl called payal working in our office,
During lunch time I told her about my fate
She said:" Dinesh, You can ask KAvita from the next door office who is the owner"
I sadi" why the hell she will help me?"
She was now bit a shy and said"Dinesh, you do not have any option, she might ask for sexual favours from u"
I was thinking what is the harm if i do that, any way she has a good personality, well shuld be ok
So next day I decided to wait for her at parking lot in the morning
She came in her BMW , I followed her and asked :"excuse me Madam"
She looked behind an said:" yes, did u call me?"
I said :" yes Madam, I just need five minutes from U"
She said:" Make it fast, i need to reach office"
I sadi" Madam I need some loan, if u can please help me"
She looked surprise and sadid:" how much?"
I sadi " Madam 20 lac"
She smiled :" are u craazy? I even don't know u"
I said :" Madam I will do anything,, but please please help me"
She samiled a bit sarcastic and said:" Ok meet me at 6 pm in my office"
I was bit reelived, atleast one hope
I wen to her office at 6 pm, It was a very well - furnished office, I told receptionist that i have a ppointment
She asked on the inetcom and told me to wait for 10 minutes
When she was fre I was called in her cabin
I just knoked the door, she said:"Come in"
Her cabin was extra ordinary,very elegant,
I said:" Madam as i told u in the morning, please help me I need loan very badly, i will make sure I will repay u with in a year with interest"
She asked me why i needed the loan, I explained her my situation
Now she she asked me :" Do u have any secuirty as gold or Fixed deposit or house on your name"
I said " No madam"
She laughed and said" who on earth will give u laon Dear"
I said " Madam, I will return in one year With interest, lease beleive me < I will do whatever u say if i don't return"
She smiled and said:" Cuty , r u sure for whatever?"
I now got the hint :" yes madam, , I will satisfy your every need"
Now she told me in stern voice:" SHUT UP U PERVERT, it is not that what u think, I have something else in my mind"
I sadi " Yes madam, whatever u say"
She said" See u are cute so i will help u ,yes , what u said was right to satisfy my needs, but in a different way.. u need to be my wife for 2 year"
I said " I am not getting u what u are saying "
She said" U need to be my wife , act as my wife , behave as my wife and dress like my wifelike a indian wife"
Now my heart sank,,
She contunued : If u agree u can come tomorrow at same time to my office and let me know your decession"
I said : But Madam, what about my job ? what about my family?"
She said :" I will manage that dear, after all i will take care of my wife"
Whole night i was thinking,, Morning i got a call fromMoney lender " If u don't pay, I will cut u into 3 equal parts," I was scared to death
I decided to submit to Kavita for 2 years, I never wanted to die
So next day I went to her office, I was called to her cabin
Now she had a smile on her face, she was sure I will accpet her demands
she asked me :"So baby what have u decided"
I was very nervous"I said whatever u say, but please i can not appear in public in female dress"
She said " Never mind, I will take care , But if u act funny I will hand over to police, U will sign this agreement for the loan, It is written that if u don't repay U are liable under law"
I sadi" Ok Madam, But what u want me to do?"
She said:" Dear, as i said U will be my Wife, and perform each and every duty what ife performs, Like cooking, doing house work, ' dress nicely to keep me happy "
I sadi " Ok but dressing?"
She said " See u are a cute boy, u will look beautiful in saree" she told me very bluntly
I was almost to tear because of this humiliation
I said:" But Madam, I can not go to JOB like that, '
She said " Ohh dear, I am capable enough to take care of u, U will resign form your Job, And for your family u can inform that u have got a job in dubai, U can stay with me , and don't worry I will keep u very happy"
i said " Ok Madam, but i do not know how to wear saree and all that"
She said " See when u come come to stay with me, I want u as complete wife , u will undergo training for a month, I know a lady who will train u for that, But mind u she is very strict, But once u are trained u will enjoy your new role,, do u agree cuty?"
I thought what is is the harm, and i did not had any option so i agreed
She sadi " Good baby,, U can finish your all your pending work by tomorrow , will resign form your Job , I will intorduce to u pradnya your trainer tomorrow at my place , and here is 20 lacs" she handed me bag ful of money, and kissed me lightly on my lips
I thanked her , went to money lender , gave him the money
Next day i went to office put my resgnation , I called up my dad and told him that I have a job offer in Dubai, so i will be away for 2 years, he was very happy about my future, But i only knew my future,
At 7 pm i went to her place , ohh my god, what a beautiful house ,
It was just like a five star hotel, she hugged me and told me to come inside ,on the sofa there was one lady sitting , she was almost like a tom-boy,
She told me to sat on the sofa and said " She is Pradnya, your trainer for the new role in your life, she will train u to be a good wife "
I just said:" Hi Pradnya"
Pradnya:" Sweety I am not your friend, call me Madam"
I said:" Yes Madam"
Now Kavita asked" Pradnya , will u like have some drinks?"
Pradnya: Ohh Sure, I will prefer whisky,
And She said: Don't worry baby I will also make your drink
She Brought two pegs of whiskey and one of gin a small one
I tried to lift the whiskey glass
kavita said:" Baby, that is not for u, nice lady prefers gin "
I now strated realizing what i have to go through,
Bit humilated by her comments,
They finished thier drinks
Pradnya :" Baby, y don't u clear the tables for us"
I did not say anything , i cleared the tables
Washed the glasses, when i cam back they were discussing my training
Kavita"Pradnya, u know what i like, I want him to be best wife , to be dressed as wife, U train him good for wearing saree, I get excited when i see cuty in saree, How will u train him?"
Pradnya:" Madam , To turn this baby into wife will take one month, I hope u do not mind me being very harsh on him"
Kavita:" It is ok, but when u return i want my baby as complete wife,I am paying u half your fees now, half i will pay after 1 month ,And I might send him back if not trained properly"
I was now worried ,
Kavita now addressing me " baby, u will follow her for one month , I do not want any complaints, this is for your good only"
She continued:" Now u will stay with Pradnya for a month from tomorrow , U can go home and relax now , It is not easy to be housewife" and she smiled
I just said Ok , and was leaving from there
Tht time pradnya:" Need not bring any clothing, Just come in the pair of clothes u are wearing "
I just left i was almost in tears for the humiliation i faced.
I went home, and just slept, Morning i got up late , Just ate something and went to Pradny's House
I was wearing jeans and t shirt
She opened the door, And she looked me from top to bottom and closed the door
pradnya:" I hope u know i am your boss for a month, If u do anything silly or disobey me, that will be your last happy days in the life"
She now said with stern voice:" get out of these male clothes, last time u are wearing them , STRIP NOW"
I got scared of her orders, I immediately removed all my clothes ,
And stood infront of her, She told me to come near her, She slipped her hand on my face, and took it away
She shouted Now" U idiot, do not know how to shave, go to washromm and shave NOW, I need a smooth beard"
I went to bath room , shaved it properly , took one shower
Now she was reading some magazine she even did not look at me and said" Press my legs"
I started massaging her feet, she was carrying a cane beside her,
after 2 minues she just beat me one hard cane shot " Press nicely"
I strated massaging her nicely,
After she was relaxed she told me to make peg for her,
Now while having Peg she told me" Look dog, She has paid me enough to train u, if u do anything silly , this stick will have no mercy for u,and u as such do not have any option"
" Now go to my bed room , i have kept a dress for u , "
I went to bed room and fond one salwaar kameez dress o the bed ,
She said "Not bad , i am sure u will look good in saree"
" Now clean my house, i do not want to see any dirt "
" it is your first duty to clean the hosue"
I picked up broom and started cleaning , then i mopped the floor,
She inspected my work, and kicked me on my ass as one of the place was not cleaned
I said with anger" I am not your servant"
Now she was fuming, she mecilessly caned me till she was tired
I was crying like a small child, she said" next time It will be worse than this"
I knew my fate now
Again she shouted" Now go to kitchen and prepare my lunch"
Since i was staying alone, I prepared the lunch, I made roti and subzi
She ate like queen, and gave me her leftovers
Now she was having nap for the afternoon, after she got up
She said ," I am going out and bring some sarees for your practice"
I waited for her, she came back with shopping bags,
And told me to check what she had brought, there were peticoats , blouses and some cotton sarees, she asked me wether i liked or not
I said "yes madam"
She then handed me one bag which was full of UG and bras,
She said" this will fit U baby" I was very ashmed did not say anything,
Now she said" Come on now wear each one by one and showm me whether size is correct or not"
She ahd brought 5 sets , i tried one by one each set of different colours, and showed her, I was really ashmed, she had actually brought large size,
She said" good, now this is the last time i have done shopping for u , next time i want u to do it all alone"
last one was pink bra and panty,
Now she a bit saidst:" U look sexy, why don't u dance for me"
She put on the music, i nervously danced
She was laughing out loud, all thse humiliation and UG , i don't know how but by cock became harder,
She smiled, and now she said" Ok enough, now be a good baby and lick my feet"
I said " what?"
I just got a slap for that question,, I licked her feet while she was watching tv and talking on mobile
This continued, then i prepared her dinner and went to sleep,
She had 2 bedroom in her apartment ,
at 6 oclock in the morning, I got a nice cane on my ass
She said: Get up u lazy , from nowonwards u will get up at 6 oclock, now go and prepare tea and get my news paper
I followed her orders, and served her tea, after ome time she asked me to prepare break fast
After the break fast she told me to clena house , which i did nicely, as i knew what will happen if job is not done right,
Now She was looking me from top to bottom and told me to put one CD in laptop, I did that , CD contained the clips how to wear saree
She said" I will give u 30 mins to watch this and then u will try on saree"
I watched it , i was really embarrased ,
After 30 minutes : she told me " pick up any saree , and wear it and show me"
It was my frist time , I chose the simple colur, wore peticoat and blosue on my ink bra and panty, I tried to wrap saree, could not mamnge, but at last managed it some what and went to show her,,
She Just slapped me" Go and wear propely in next 5 mins"
I went inside again went , but again slap
Now i knew she wanted me to master the art of wearing saree, after 6 slaps, she was satisfied
She said" good , now u are comfortable in wearing saree, which will be your normal dress, get used to it ...now be a good girl and prepare lunch"
I prepared lunch, today she allowed me to eat with her
while having lunch " u need to shave 3 times a day i do not want that beard to be appeared slightly also"
this continued for 2 days,next day she gone out for some work
I was watching foot ball on the tv, when she came back she saw what i was watching , she just slapped me and said" from now on u wil only watch daily soaps of saas bahu "
She gave some woman's era magazines for me to read
I next 3 days I was now comfortable in saree and getting used to do tasks which house wives do
she was also enjoying my service, as she had to do nothing for home ..
THe next day as routine i got up at 6 am, prepared tea for her,
while having tea she told me take hot shower
I did not know for what, but i comiled and came out in towel around my waist,she called me near and slapped for atleast 5 times and shouted: Girls wear towel beneath their neck not on waist, Go to bathrooom and come out like a woman"
I did that shamefully, she came near me and said " U look sexy, but there are lot of things missing, I want u to paint your hand and toe nails, select some good colur, and don't do aany mash, or u know your fate"
I carefully painted my all nails, I had selected pink colur,
Now she told me to wear chemisol and panty , I was wondering why she did not allow me to wear saree,
She told me to sit on the easy chair and relax, after 5 minuites she came with hair removing cream, I was terrified, i protested, but i knew my fate , protest was pressed for hard slaps,
I was feeling very awkward,
then she told me to relax,she just carresed my legs making sure they are smooth,
Then she told me to strip
I said" Now what?"
As usual I got a slap and she told me in a stern voice " U idiot, u are not here to argue, We have your laon agreement and your all pictures, do anything silly and u know your fate"
I just kep quiet , After i was nked, she broght the hair remving machine and removed all my haires on chest and tummy, Now she atarted remving hair from my cock, I wanted to protest, but did not
She clicked my picture, and kissed me on my cheek and said" u look like sweet candy"
I was totally ashamed
Now she said " i want u to do this activity all alone every alternate day> or i will cut your penis"
I was sacred to heart attack.
I did as per her instruction, I was only allowed to wear saree, even during night, I had to remove all hairs , did all that as per her instruction
She also Now instructed me to walk in womanly manner, if i was walking like male , caning was the answer
Next day when i was serving her tea, she told me" do your house work fast , prepare lunch , One beautician is coming today "
Now i was worried, what happens if i knew somone who would come,
At 1 PM door bell rang, she told me to open the door, I was very ashamed to open
The beautician was there , Pradnya was talking to her
" Dear please do her eye brow, and also teah how to do make up"
She did my eybrows, did my facial first, then did light make up
She used to laugh while do ing this,,
I was totally emarassed, but that was my future, I had to live this life for 2 years
Now slowly slowly, i started acting like woman only,
After 2 days she told me:" see all these clothes were trail, we need to go shopping for your wedding "
I said" How can i go like this?"
Pradnya:" Don't worry, i have a colourful shirt , u can wear jeans if u want, I will allow u this much libery"
I sighed a relief.......
we went to shopping mall , and straight away rushed to ladies section,
The sales girl askd " May i help u?"
She said:" we need to buy sarees for wedding"
She guided her to the saree section,
We bought ghagra , choli and the bridal saree,
Even while choosing bridal saree , she placed on my body to how it looks, i did not say anything, Iwas just wishing that not anyone knowing me is not there.during shopping she kept on asking whether i like it or not,
tehn she asked the sales girl" I need some chiffon sarees for his wedding"
ABove was the saree and ornaments we selected for Marriage
Sales girl looked surprised, but showed them, she asked to me to select, we selected atleast 10 sarees with matching blouses,and purchased peticoats of different colurs
Next was the jwellery counter, Purchased initmation jwellery as well as gold sets , earing, nose ring (big one),necklace, payals,set of bangles,
Now she took me me to lingerie department, I kept my eyes down, never wanted to see sales girl's expression..
Lingerie for my First Night
She told me to choose,,then went to bra and panty counter, purchased almost flowery design sets.
I just said " thanks"
Then she asked me to purchase deo and make up for females
We came back home, Now she told me to open my shopping , then told me to wear sarees one by one, I felt it was like fashion parade, then she told me to try one of the bra and panty set and wanted to check whether it fits me or not, I was dying because of shame
But one more shock she gave me" Tomorrow I am calling on tailor to take measurement for your blouses,
I said "please Madam,I can't face that"
She just showed me the cane and i had to keep quiet
Next day the tailor came, He was really wondering why he is taking measurements for me ,she just told him" he is taking part in drama"
At last humiliation was over , he went and promised to give it delivery after 4 days
Next 4 days she trained me how girls talk, they walk,
After 4 days tailor came and gave the delivery, she again told me to tray bloses with saree, Now i was used to wear saree, Then she brought breat enhancers to fit under the bra, ,
I looked my self in the mirror, I was looking like a woman now,
Pradnya:I think u have picked up weill, Kavita will be happy, One part is still remaining , I will train u at night"
I was not allowed to remove saree in noght also , I went for sleep in wearing the saree only, after 10 minutes she came to my room,
And told me" Now i am going to train u on how new bride behaves" she was carring one wooden scale ,She caem towars me and lied on top of me, and started kissing me, I also tried to hold her face, but got one wooden scale on my hand" Good Indian brides allow their husbands to perform, just lie down and let me finis"
She then started removing my saree, my blouse , bra, she sucked on my nipples, bite them , sucked my cock like professional whore, But me i had to just lie and watch her perform ,then she rod on me like a wild cat, and fucked me till she was satisfied "
This repeated for 3 nights ,
Next day she told me " U have to look best tomorrow, wear a chiffon saree , do a proper make up, tomorrow Kavita is coming for your name change"
I asked " what name change?"
She slapped me hard and said" good indian brides do not question, from Dinesh u are going to be Deena"
Next morning i got up early, shaved nicely, shappoed my hair , applied conditioner 2 times , Did all make up including eye lashes, I made sure There were no hairs on my body , Selcted the best chiffon saree, with matching blouse and one pearl necklace"
In the evening door bell rang, Pradnya opened the door and welcommed Kavita,kavita was accompanied by one of her friend called Vasanti, she may be around 45, tall , she was dressed and nice silk top and trouser,
Kavita was very anxious to see me, Pradnya cam to my room and took me to hall, Kavita was looking me from top to bottom, she was very pleased , she came near to me and kissed me on my cheek,
Vasant " Ohh my god, she is so beautiful, Kavita u are very lucky"
They started calling me SHE ..
Pradnya asked kavita to change my name
Kavita came near to me and whispered in my ear" from now on you are my deena,only my Deena"
I blushed , she was holding my arm on the sofa, suddenly door bell rang , Pradnya opened the door,, ohhh shit ,,, that was payal who came, I was totally emarassed ,,
Payal said " Don't worry, I was knowing this, I will not tell anyone"
Kavita " Deena, as such u knwo payal, but U may not be knowing , she is wife of vasanti"
I was puzzled, she conituend " Dear they are husband and wife, Vasanti is husband and she is her wife, Come on u are not that innocent"
Now i got it , they were lesbians , and Vasanti was dominant partner in their relationship , I was getting shock after shock...
aafter they left, pradya asked me " did u like your in laws?"
I just said"yes Madam"
Pradnya" after a week your wedding will be there, so now relax, and try to be more beautiful"
" I am going to enjoy the beautiful lady last time tonight"
In the night she came to my room, again she fucked me like a wild desperate cat,, never bothered will i like it or not,
THen after the fuck i had to lick her pussy, her pussey was above me, i licked for almost 30 mins, till she came for 3 times
she said" Listen, u will perform like this , and satisfy her needs every night, u will allow her to have u, Not u will have her,Behave like a new bride every night , if u do that your life will be easy, if she comalins and send u back , I will have no mercy on u, now sleep well , tomorrow Payal is coming to meet u"
I don't know for what she was coming , so next morning i got up, she was observing me whether I am acting like a female or not, even in toilet she made sure i sat like female and peed ,did all house work , prepared lunch , breakfast , after the lunch i cleaned the kitchen,
at 2:30 Pm Payal came, I was in saree, I could not meet eyes with her,
Suddenly Pradnya said"i have to leave for an emergency, I will be back in 2 hrs, Deena y don't u chat with payal till i come back, Payal if u need anything deena is there to take care of u
Now Payal said" Hey Deena what's the matter , in office u were not so silent and u were my good friend"
I said" payal atleast u don't call me by Deena"
Payal" Shhhhh.... beileve me u start accpeting the situation ... that will be good ,,, kavita will be good if u satisfy , not like vasanti she is very dominating"
I said" I never knew u had this lifestyle also, but i can understand for myself , but why u are under vasanti"
Payal" any way i am a bi, my father was in very much trouble fiancially, she had helped me , but this is the condition that i will be in her control, well i don't mind, but ony thing she is aggrssive, Kavita and vasanti will treat u well , they don't treat u as slaves as far as u satisfy them, but I am warning u never take panga with vsanti, she can be very cruel if she is out of her control"
She continued" Look Deena, i was knowing that money lender , I am sure he would have killed u , and i knew u never had any option so I suggested, never think that i have trapped u"
I sadi " No Payal, I will abe always thankful for saving my life , any way it is question of 2 years< but i am worried about your relations with vasanti"
Payal said" ohh come on, I can handle that Deena" and she smiled and hugged me tightly,
I know we had hugged as friends, but this was different,I did not say anything
Inbetween she told" be careful when she drinks"
I said "Thanks again Payal"
Payal " Ok deena why don't u make some coffe, after all i am your in law, "
I just smiled and made coffe, while having coffe we chatted for likings, I was surprised by her Bi nature,she was always a sweet girl...
Then Pradnya came, and she left
Prdanya made me relaxed , but observing me very minutly for next 4 days
Before the wedding day, payal came and did all my facial , hairs now they were growm till neck, she trimmed them well,
Pradnya told me wedding is planned at her residence at 6 pm,
Payal came in the morning only to pradnya's house , at 12 she started my make up , She did my make u as brode, with bindis, then she made me wear ornaments, she made me wear payals(feet bracelet)which used to make sound while walking, I was dressed in bridal wear , with red ghaghra choli, and heavy work saree , Now she told me to look into mirror , Iwas looking like indian bride , I also could not recognze myself, I thought it was a lady not me .. Payal had brought bridal panty and bra set , I was wearing that..., My saree pallu was on my head.. then payal left and told me she will meet there with vasanti...
at 4 pm prdanya again gave me directions for first night, that u need to offer milk, never try to look in her eyes and behave like a shy bride..
4:30 pm she told me Kavita has sent her car,, I was really worried if anyone may llok in the apartment, but never happened that ,
at 5 pm we were at Kavita's place, My heart was beating faster and faster, pradnya told me except few close friends no one will be there .
Kavita was wearing Jodhpuri suit and sherwani , she looked like a groom
vasanti and payal were there , Kavita was looking directly to me and said , " wow i am lucky to have such a wonderful wife"
after that there were 2 mare frinds of kavita arrived named Priti and dipti, I could guess they were also lesbians, They both looked at me and started praising my beauty
at 6 Pm , Payal brought two garlands, one i put it on kavita and one she put it on me ,,
after that Kavita put sinddor on my head, and the wedding was complete ....
after that all of us had dinner , Priti and dipti left, after some time pradnya also left ,
Payal took me to bedroom ,, ohh my god bedroom was decaorated like what u see in films, with flowers on the bed, there was one glass of milk on the table,
Payal whispered in my ears" offer her glass of milk for the power, all the best for the new life" and left
TIll ahlf an hour i was sitting on the bed, like a new bride, < kavita came to bedroom and sat next to me , she removed my ghoonghat, and raised my chin with her finger " U are gorgeous"and gave me light kiss, after that very gently she kissed all over my face, then she said she will just change the clothes and cme, she went to bathroom , and she came out in silk kurta and pyjama, I got up and offer her glass of milk , while drinking she was just staring at me,, i was dieing of shame ..
Then she hugged me and started removing my ornaments one by one , after which she removed my saree , then Iwas in petticoat and blose, she kissed my navel,,, then again started kissing me passionately, then she undressed my blouse and petticoat, now she switched of the light, and undressed me fully, sucked my nipples, then gently kissed my cock all over , and sucked me, It was rock hard , then she rod on top of me and fucked for 10 minutes, Iwas tained by pradnya for not coming till she rod, ohh my godd, she really fucked wellll ,, then after the fuck she kissed me again and slept